LEIMAY: Thresholds

LEIMAY celebrates life and death with a new work, Thresholds, created specially for the mausoleums at Green-Wood Cemetery. “Thresholds” explores the fragility and resilience of life through a rising and falling dance at the threshold of death.

LEIMAY’s performance is part of a showcase called Crossing Over: A Performance Adventure In Green-Wood Cemetery, featuring four site-specific dance performances, each created by a Brooklyn-based choreographer, with tours by the exceptional Atlas Obscura. The setting is humbling. Located in Sunset Park, Green-Wood is a National Historic Landmark with 478 acres of stunning architecture, statuary, hills, valleys, ponds and paths. Its 560,000 permanent residents include Jean-Michel Basquiat, Leonard Bernstein, the Steinway family, and other prominent art world figures. Other choreographers creating work for Crossing Over are Elisabet Torras Aguilera, Sophia Schrank, and Shirel Jones, each presenting highly distinctive sets. Together with Atlas Obscura, our performances will highlight tombs from New York’s performing arts history, and conclude within the cemetery’s hallowed catacombs.

September 12th and 13th, 2014
Greenwood Cemetery
Role: Performer

Review in NY Times

Review in New Yorker