Mårten Spångberg: La Substance, but in English
With and by: Linda Blomquist, Aron Blom, Ludvig Daae, Yoann Durant, Emma Kim Hagdahl, Sandra Lolax, Linnéa Martinsson, Pontus Pettersson, Mårten Spångberg, Rebecka Stillman, Hanna Strandberg, Marika Troili
La Substance, but in English is a large scale dance performance with eight dancers, a singer and a group of performers. All participants inhabit and produce a landscape that, over four and a half hours, transforms into an endless but indeterminable entity, a palpability without properties, an irritation on the body or a dream without content. The dance is slow, almost invisible and it leaves the audience alone. It is a dance of dancing itself. It is magic calmly falling apart leaving only a shared loneliness.
Reconfiguration, undermining expectations and the production of change are central to the work of Swedish choreographer Mårten Spångberg. Built around a conceptual approach that highlights choreography as a medium, his recent work considers the potentiality of dance and dancing alongside an examination of contemporary modes of public attention. His work reexamines what dance is as an experience and how that experience has been transformed as a result of contemporary capitalism, immaterial labor and social media.
Dates: January 11th and 12th, 2014 (World Premiere)
Role: Light Design and Set Construction